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12/7/2016 8:11:32 PM

Legalization of medicinal loli

Millions of people, all across the world, are in urgent medical care. Studies have shown that lolis significantly increase a patient's happiness and well-being, which correlates with a faster recovery. Many Americans and Canadians have done loli and these people need loli to ease their pain. Despite our best efforts, the American government has unfairly denied our proposal without going through the formal process. We are currently threatening litigation and raising funds. But we need your help! Not all countries can be like Bangkok, which has seceded from Thailand as its own nation due to disagreements in legal issues, such as medicinal loli. Being the only nation that has legalized medicinal loli, Bangkok continues to display how progressive the nation is, unlike the United States and Canada. We need help raising legal funds. All proceeds will go towards lobbying the American and Canadian government, as many of us have been banned from entering Mexico. With enough funds, we expect to have legalized medicinal loli in 36 countries by 2021. The future is in your hands and wallets. Please consider your support!

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