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12/10/2016 8:12:36 PM

Iron Battle Axe

Good Idea


Bad Idea


I couldn't care less


Can there be a way so that Guardians who have completed the "Rise of Iron" quest can summon the Iron Battle Axe as a super or something? Maybe have it as a Heavy Weapon? It's just that the original Iron Lords could summon the Battle Axe at will, yet we are supposedly Iron Lords after destroying the SIVA Replication Chamber and we can't summon the Battle Axe--instead Shiro transmats it into the Plaguelands during Quarantine Patrol. If Shiro, who is not an Iron Lord, has an unlimited amount of Battle Axes, shouldn't we, as Iron Lords who stopped the Devil Splicers, be able to do the same thing? Also, we should be able to choose an Iron Lord name, because whenever Saladin or Efrideet say, "Lord Guardian. Blah blah blah" when you approach them, it sounds really stupid.

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