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Изменено (Midnytemirage): 12/19/2016 11:55:25 PM

Rise of Iron Pre-order items no longer accessible

I stopped playing for close to a month from the middle of November to Dec due to illness and when I came back to play my Destiny, I noticed that my Iron Gjallarwing and my Iron Gjallarhorn were both grayed out and had a red banner above them that said, "Pre-Order Rise of Iron required". And yes, I did pre-order Rise of Iron and I own all of the DLC prior to Rise of Iron as well. I tried restoring the licenses and that did not work. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling Destiny and the updates and that did not work either. Is there anything that I can do to restore my items? Everything else works just fine. Only the Iron Gjallarwing and Iron Gjallarhorn have been blocked for some reason. Thank you for your time and patience.

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