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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/3/2017 5:16:10 AM

Skill based games, not just matchmaking

Destiny has been a very fun game to play over the past 2.5 years I have played and I would say I a, decent at PVP, not the best, but I can hold my own. What I personally think #Bungie needs to do either with and update or in Destiny 2 is make playlists that allow Crucible to be more skill based not gear rolls based. I understand you can not entirely take out gear rolls n a crucible game without essentially recreating Halo PVP but I think a more reasonable balance can be achieved. The playlist I purpose simply do not allow Exotic weapons or armor (minus the exotic class item). I think this would make PVP more fun for those players who would rather be skillfully outplayed by someone using the same legendary gear accessible to everyone else then getting sniped by a No Land Beyond in close quarters or getting chased down by a universal remote. Don't get me wrong I have no issues using exotics in crucible, I love using a Last Word/Matador Set up on Last Exit playing Control, hands down one of my favorite set ups for that map and game type. I just think by eliminating exotics from "Hardcore" playlists or even trails of Osiris would make crucible a lot more enjoyable, at least for me. OR another reasonable option, in my opinion, is make each exotic have a disadvantage equal to its exotic perk. For example a No-Land beyond should not have "built-in" Unflinching. I just think added some equal trade off for each exotic would make it much more enjoyable in PVP and cause players to switch up there playsets and styles a lot more often.

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