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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/14/2017 12:28:03 AM

On the origin and creation of the Exos

Welcome ands Good evening guardians. Because we don't know the exact origins of the exo race and the Exos themselves don't properly remember I've concocted a theory with supporting evidence as to exactly why and how they were created. First, what we know. Cayde 6, the hunter vanguard, tells us in his journal that he was once a human. By the sound of it some kind of mercenary during the golden age. He also tells us how he was in debt to Clovis Bray ands how they offered to completely forgive his debt in exchange for performing another service for them. Some time later cause is an exo and running personal security for Maya Sunderesh. We also know that Clovis Bray was heavily involved in advancing colonization technology. From the Owl Sector logs we learn that Clovis Bray rezearcher Dr. Sherazi was injecting human test subjects with nanobots (microscopic robots). She hoped to improve the human condition with these nanobots making people stronger and faster and smarter. Therfore making super human colonists capable of surviving harsher conditions and more quickly building colonies. And we know one of her test subjects was in debt to Clovis Bray and was blackmailed into the experiment. We also know that Clovis Bray created siva (other nanobots). And that siva was also meant to aid colonization (by building stuff out of other stuff). Speculation: Sometime after Dr. Sharazi left Clovis Bray Cayde 6 was blackmailed into being a test subject for a later nanobots experiment. Cayde was injected with a new type of nanobots that turned him into an exo. It literally changed him on a molecular level from a biological organism into a mechanical organism. At first I thought that either the exo body would be manufactured then a human consciousness installed or they were simply zapped with a magic laser that turned then into robots (the former being more likely) but then I saw what the devil splicers were doing with siva. Dregs with metal legs, vandals with cube heads, Aksis is basically entirely robot (fallen exo?). So that's the theory. Let me know what you think.

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