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Изменено (A Syrian Refugee): 1/31/2017 6:26:21 AM

Anti Trump Rally In Seattle: BLM Speaker "We need to Start Killing People"

So as usual liberals wasting time protesting. But this one was a little interesting. A BLM lady, who so happens to be a TEACHER, took to speaking and she said: -White people need to give us their money and their property -We need to start killing people. So I guess its ok for Liberals to rally and shout about killing white people but I'm pretty sure if a white person was screaming about killing blacks or muslims it'd be horribly racist -We need to kill the White House She just made a threat to the president. She should be arrested -Then she complained about how black and brown people work 40 hours a week WOAH 40 whole hours. That's like........a normal work week! She claimed white people have "property" to support themselves while they have to work I think the worst part is half the crowd is white people. Like this is the equivalent of black people cheering on the KKK talking about lynching blacks or something. White Liberals are batshit crazy smh. What the -blam!- is wrong with yall?

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