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1/29/2017 1:20:51 PM

Resticted for no reason

Hello Bungie, i got restricted today for unstable network and i want to inform you that my connection has the requirements for your online gameplay, also i play Destiny from Year 1 and i got restricted now, after 2 years, for unstable network? Something isn't right, my connection is fine until now because i want to have the best connection for online gaming as best i can. So i believe i got restricted because from some people who report me just for rage and didn't think that just may have problem the whole lobby or theirself and sometimes may i had bad connection on some matches because someone who is sharing my connection, my sister, got logged in on YouTube and saw some videos and i got some lag. But i think everyone who play generally online games they have some lag sometimes so this isn't a reason to get restricted for 2 WEEKS from Trials and Crucuble avtivities, so please unrestrict me now so all be happy.

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