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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
2/18/2017 12:36:19 AM

Lets play Destiny: The Dating Game

So with the most recent patch dropping, the idea crossed my mind of how I would describe destiny to someone...if it was a woman instead of a video game. So I decided to play a little game. You have met the guy/girl who claims to be the right one for you. Their name is Destiny. You have known them for: A. 3 years B. 2 years C. 1 year D. Just met What kind of person is Destiny? How would you describe their appearance? Does Destiny take care of himself/herself and their appearance? High maintenance? Low maintenance? What about their personality. Obviously the longer you have known Destiny, the more you could describe them. Would you want to continue in the relationship, or find someone else?

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