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Изменено (PhNx Hellfire): 3/11/2017 6:35:40 AM

Regarding the various challenges...

With the revamped raids after that live stream, I wanted to remind people of what exactly are the old challenges: VOG: Templar challenge- use the pillars of light duringthe first damage phase to prevent the Templar from teleworking and regaining his shields. Be aware minotaurs come out to wreck havok. Atheon challenge- Never had an actual challenge Y1 due to bug issues where they increased the drop rates in a patch as I recall. The original challenge though for Raiders on hard was flawless with lvl 29's (if you aren't chuckling right now... Shame on you.) Crotas End featured no challenges in expansion 1. Kings Fall: Warpriest challenge- No one person can have brand twice. Golgoroth challenge- During each damage phase, all guardians MUST hold golgoroth gaze once. Oryx challenge- Detonate 16 orbs in a single damage phase. WotM: Vosik challenge- During damage phase, grab the bombs which fall and use them on the doors. 3 damage rounds only required for completion. Siege engine- No challenge. Aksis- During teleworking phase, burn your empowered on the lit platform and slam another empowered into aksis. Must be done for each time he teleports. Let's have some fun also with this thread. What challenges will be there for CE and Vog?

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