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Изменено (iDovahBear): 4/14/2017 4:26:43 PM

Rank 5 Unbent Tree Discussion; Anybody Else Confused Where It Goes Wrong?

So... the perks are solid. Braced Frame Counterbalance makes it the next Doctrine, in theory... It has more than enough ammo to take down a single target, sometimes even if they're mid-Super... The reticle matches Clever Dragon's, which used to feel so crisp and powerful... But it still feels like it kicks like a son of a bitch. I have a New Monarchy AR with lower Stability that feels more accurate and precise. Does this thing have the Hard Light screen shake 'hidden' stat exaggerated to try and balance it? tl;dr Something about the Rank 5 Unbent Tree is garbage, help me find out why. P.S. Going to try and tell me I don't know the weapon? I've been using Epilogue and Necrochasm for the last two weeks in PvE: I know enough to handle low Stability Bullet Hoses w/o Counterbalance. But equpping this thing quickly had me realizing it had some inherent Stability issues despite perks. P.S.S. Anguish of Drystan is another Auto Rifle with conspicuously similar issues. High Stability, and yet the gun still doesn't consistently hit the broad side of a Titan's forehead plating... I would know. #EndArtificialScreenShake

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