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4/16/2017 7:55:42 PM

The Lighthearted Clan Recruitment

Are you all ready for Destiny 2? Well, for those who do not have a dedicated group to help, this clan is right for you! Our mission is to help those in need, whether they are experienced pros or total newbies! In light of Destiny 2, most of the members and administration will be playing on PC. However, if we are still open to those who will be playing Destiny 2 on other platforms, and encourage them whole-[i]hearted[/i]-ly (get it?) to join. So if you would like to jump right into Destiny 2 and it's beta with a group able to help and support you, join The Lighthearted, and this September we will all fly high to Jovial Jove. Happy flying, Guardians.

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