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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/1/2017 2:33:42 PM

Some Things I'd Like to See in Destiny 2

I just wanted to list a few topics of personal interest that I'd like to see changed in D2, as it regards gameplay. We all want a more coherent story and new weapon types so that's noted and won't be covered here. Please feel free to leave your comments, criticisms or suggestions below. Incoming Wall O' Text: First, some things in PvE: -VARIETY!!! More varied strikes, public events, bounties, patrols, arena modes, and story missions. Bungie has improved in this area since launch, but I'd like to see all strikes be akin to dynamic mini-raids. A good example is the Echo Chamber strike. Expand on that. How about a spaceship dogfight strike? -On the topic of bounties, how about bounties (and patrols!) for the factions, assuming they survive the onslaught? Why does Dead Orbit "have standing bounties on enemies in this area" yet when I finish the patrol, the rep goes to Future War Cult? -Actual locations throughout the worlds (rumored to be incoming with D2 so that's a plus). Let me visit little settlements that have popped up in the wake of the Last City's devastation. Let me sneak through a REAL Cabal basecamp or Vex citadel. Let me find those Sunbreakers, Stormcallers, and Nightstalkers out there in the universe and do sidequests for them. -Wildlife. I understand a collapse took place, but surely there are some wildlife left in the world(s) that are just as, if not more so, dangerous than the enemy races we face. -Less (or at least more engaging) loading screens. This might have been a result of Bungie having to dev for old consoles but let's see this change. Too much time was spent staring at a mostly useless spaceship. -No more down-and-backs to the Tower to start the next step in a quest. We have Ghosts and comms...use them! The only time I should have to head back is to pick up my reward. And now for PvP: -Again, variety! More modes, maps, vehicles (again) and ways to destroy them. More weapons, loot, armor, artifacts, and quest lines. Gimme more! -Make elements mean something: Arc takes down shields faster, but does less damage against armor. Solar takes shields slower, but does better against armor. Void can do a bit less damage to both shield and armor, but you regen abilities and supers slightly faster OR drain other guardians' abilities. Oh, trying to Titan panic-fist? Not so says my Void sidearm. -Trials of Osiris: Lock players out after a successful trip to the Lighthouse, per character. This is pretty self-explanatory and really should have been done a long time ago. -Weapon foundry sponsored crucible bounties, quests, and events. "This month's Iron Banner brought to you by Tex Mechanica." Gain extra crucible rep for using weapon foundries in their sponsored events. I loved the Chaperone quest. Not because I love using The Last Word (which I do) but because it gave a little character to the Tex Mechanica name. Expand on this with Omolon, Hakke, SUROS and the others. -Make Sparrow Racing League permanent and more rewarding. I don't even care about SRL that much but a lot of players I know do. Let them have their fun and be rewarded too. -Killstreaks. Just kidding... Some sandbox stuff: -This one will grind some gears and rustle some Jimmies: Move sniper rifles to the heavy weapon slot. I know, I know...the blasphemy! Hear me out. In PvE, snipers already do as much, and often times more, damage to bosses than actual heavy weapons. So much so that my Event Horizon, Black Spindle, Devil's Dawn or other high-to-very-high impact sniper rifles almost never go un-equipped in PvE events. A move to the heavy slot would give players pause to choose between the Black Spindle or Gally. As for PvP, snipers are the single most polarizing force in the Crucible since Shot Package was a thing. Do they require skill? Yes. Are they fun? Sure. Do they eliminate whole play-styles depending on map and single-handedly run Trials of Osiris? Unfortunately, yes. Even now, with the death of special ammo, those teams with Icebreaker run a much higher chance of success than those with shotguns, fusions or scout rif-I mean sidearms. It's a difficult, but ultimately (I believe) beneficial change. -Sidearms: make them sidearms. There is no reason I should be doing pre-nerf Vex Mythoclast numbers at the same effective range with a sidearm. This isn't a Wormwood problem (it's just a great vendor roll. See: Palindrome), this is a sidearm problem. Sidearms should be for finishing off a wounded target or as a last ditch effort in a 1v1 encounter. I can run around and main a sidearm and win rounds. I'm fine with 60 to the head at bad-breath distance, but hitting 40 to the head across the map is unacceptable. The drop off needs to be substantial. -Auto Rifles: They need to have a use. I honestly don't know what the answer is here. Their ease of use makes me think they shouldn't be very strong (see vanilla autos; pre-nerf Doctrine of Passing) however, they don't give any advantages in pvp or pve at the moment. Maybe a decent solution is the elemental changes listed above. An auto rifle would benefit from a steady stream of elemental effects, more so than any other weapon type. Would like to see suggestions here. That's it so far! Please understand that this list is neither comprehensive nor wholly objective. I believe these changes would be overall beneficial for the balance and health of the game, but I welcome well-reasoned arguments to the contrary. Play nice and let's brainstorm some ideas for the devs and community to consider.

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