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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/4/2017 6:51:39 PM

Bungie, your servers are complete trash

I went from perfect green bar every game since year 1 (minus a few months in between there where my internet was complete dogshit), to instantly red barring every game, lagging out, beaver this, weasel that. It's bullshit and your -blam!-ing servers have ruined this game. There's no reason I should have connection issues when I'm -blam!-ing connected to my router with an ethernet cable. I can play on -blam!-ing Halo Reach on my Xbox 360 (which ISNT connected to my router via an ethernet cable) without a single connection issue ever. Your servers must literally be potatoes, there's like 3 people that still play Destiny PvP daily and your servers can't even -blam!-ing handle that.

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