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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (exalted_lemonade): 5/22/2017 3:00:54 AM

Has the traveler changed?

I was looking at the traveler in the tower (GG on the skybox bungie always has good art teams) and the traveler looks more intact then when destiny first released. In the promotional content the traveler is missing most of its bottom and a large sliver going up its right side. Now only a small porting is missing in the bottom left part. Either I'm going crazy or the traveler is healing. Undoubtedly if the traveler has changed then this is due to us finding the missing traveler shard in D2 and the dev team wanting proper correlation. If anybody could find vanilla gameplay and the traveler in the background that would be great for comparison. Also the traveler in the skybox is different then that of the traveler in the director and the destiny game icon at the PS home page.

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