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Изменено (tryingtodelete): 6/27/2017 12:18:46 PM

Message to all Rebel Alliance Operatives

*transmission begin* This is Blue-12 of the Rebel Alliance. Our base on Hoth has fallen. The Rebellion has begun a retreat. Heavy losses. 17 GR-75 Transports shot down or destroyed. Unknown how many passengers aboard each. Rogue Squadron T-47s disabled. Medical frigate [i]Remembrance[/i] damaged. Millennium Falcon with General Organa and Captain Solo on the run. Echo Base has been lost. Vader was spotted alongside the 501st Legion. In short, a major victory for the Empire and a big loss for us. All rebel cells report to base at 5251977. *transmission end* [spoiler]This message is spreading across the Galaxy and the rebel operatives are coming home.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I Rebel[/spoiler]

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