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7/18/2017 9:52:35 PM

An interesting observation about D2 Beta Reviews

So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it. All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time. You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted. Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta? I'm curious...

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  • Yes I have the criteria you are looking for. This is what I will say about the beta. [b]Spoilers ahead if you haven't played.[/b] May be a long read. [b][u]For PvE:[/u][/b] The enemies seem to have more health and some of the higher tier enemies are more of a threat. This is good. The loadout system is fine, it works. For most of the strike there is no need to use power ammo. However it also does not drop that much, meaning you hardly get any opportunities to use them. Especially at the boss where you do [i]need[/i] power ammo. Also for a strike, the super charge rate is too low. I think I only got one or two supers in the whole strike. They don't feel that powerful against some of the enemies, so having the supers at the current recharge rate makes supers feel underwhelming. I enjoyed the strike, it looked good, the boss encounter was very cool and I really like the 3 stage formula. The story mission also was really cool, and quite immersive. I like how engaged the characters are and the story is intriguing. Seeing Shaxx, Cayde, Zavala and Ikora all trying to do their own thing to help as much as they can, it will end up dispersing them and I want to find out what happens to each of them next. The end cutscene with our Guardian protecting our Ghost, I felt that showed our Guardian's personality and character, that he cares about something, and I'd like to see more of those moments in the full game. I thought that first story mission was a good prologue to the game, very excited and intrigued for what comes next in the story. However, the part where Ghaul blocks the Traveler and our Light is taken out, please give that sequence to the Special Effects team that did the Black Garden sequence, it [i]looked[/i] underwhelming. This is our Light, the essence of our being, so it should look more dramatic to really drive home that impact. [b][u]For PvP:[/u][/b] The 4v4 setup, combined with faster games is quite intense. The maps are great, not too big, not too small, and they fit their modes well. You only get one super in the match, which is fine because the matches aren't that long. Class abilities recharge at a nice rate. There is a lot of criticism about the power of grenades but I did get a couple of multikills with my Lightning grenade. So what I will say about that is use the grenades to support your gunplay, not to lead fights and not to base your strategy around it. Gunplay is king in PvP. You must land your shots, you must be accurate. You need to think about evading, you need to think about every engagement and how you can come out on top. The supers all come out pretty much at the same time so I didn't see much gunning down supers, though I think it's possible. Super fights are very fun but you need a strategy when fighting an enemy super. Just going in and bashing buttons won't work. I felt like the weapons were balanced against each other, I didn't feel like I was cheated by the enemy when I died. I only used Pulse, Auto, SMG, Grenade Launcher and Shotgun. The primaries are fine but SMG is not good. SMGs need a stability improvement because the shots go all over the place and it's hard to control, even when you really try to control it, it just feels like a worse Auto rifle which is sad because I was excited about using SMGs. Grenade Launchers just didn't work out for me, the damage just isn't there in my opinion. I won't talk much about subclasses because I have not used them all, but I will say that before you go in with them, inspect them and read them first so you become familiar with them. Also do the same with your armour, I really like the new stat system that we have, but if the subclass and stats aren't set up to your preferences you will not be able to fully appreciate the game because of those physical limitations. That's all, thanks for reading.

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