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Изменено (Azure): 7/22/2017 7:58:16 AM

Does the Bungie Store have a replacement policy for "limited" items?

I know the Bungie store has its own customer service and I've already asked this question to them via email. Just asking here too in case I get a quicker answer. My Age of Triumph shirt was "out for delivery" on the 29th of last month, but somehow never made it to my house. I didn't even know it had left the US until last night (Order page's tracking link only had part of the info for some reason). The fact that it was literally placed into a postman's sack when he went on his rounds and didn't end up at my house (despite the fact that my address would have been clearly labelled) worries the hell out of me. If my Age of Triumph shirt, or any other limited item, really had been lost in the post, or even worse the same thing with air quotes around it, would the Bungie store replace the item for me? Or would the limited nature of the item get in the way of that?

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