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7/22/2017 1:35:22 AM

Sidearms are pointless in D2

Hand Cannons & Sidearms occupy the same loadout slots, which means Sidearms are screwed [i](Why use Sidearms when you can use double Hand Cannons?)[/i], their damage is reduced compared to D1 [i](Which were already weak in PvE)[/i] because Specials are now Power Weapons and Sidearms were converted to [i]Primaries[/i] to fit in the new Loadout system and are outclassed by Hand Cannons in every way. The only reason that archetype exists is because it needed an identity for the Special Slot, which is no more. I feel they should combined Hand Cannons & Sidearms into a [i]new [b]Handgun[/b] archetype[/i] as it is what they were originally at one point, Sidearms are just high firing, faster loading Hand Cannons, after all.

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