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Изменено (A Tigerstorm): 7/21/2017 2:58:07 AM

Halo 5: Forge Map: The Skybreaker Yes, I am back!!!! And with a new map! The map is an aesthetic map, not for playing, although it was originally for slayer. The ship you see in these screen shots is actually from another game. Anyone who has played World of Warcraft will probably know this ship. I was working on an infection map, but I got bored of working with it (since scripting is a piece of sh#t) and I saw my older brother, playing WoW, and was questing on this airship. So I decided to remake it in halo 5! Have a nice day! And leave a suggestion if you want me to improve the map, or make another thing! [b][i]Screen Shots[/i][/b] [i][b]Check out other stuff I've made! [/b][/i] Believer: Shiver me Timbers (old): Spaceship V3:

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