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Изменено (SamaelQuinn): 8/24/2017 6:48:16 PM

Destiny 2 Clan [PC & PS4] The Nessus Alliance 18+

We are the Guardians that find the terrain of Nessus to be comforting. With that love, comes a great strength. with that strength, we make what we call now home, safe for all. We have a huge love for story and PvE completion, and a small portion of us have a deep love for PvP. We are looking fro new members with the coming of the PC Beta and release on console. 80% of our roster is PC based but don't let that discourage you in any way, we are open to all platforms. Edit: Clan link :3

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  • I have a website for clan recruitment specifically for the PC Community. There's 20 clans that have posted and 31 members. Does't seem like a lot but considering it's not out on PC yet, that's not bad. Please check out the site, become a member and post your clan there. The site also has LFG but obviously it hasn't been used yet. Keep it in mind though when the PC version launches. It'll beat searching through all the console LFG's. Here's a little about us and the site. Thanks DESTINY PC is almost upon us and its time for clans to reach out to the PC community and start recruiting. DCRS4PC is a brand new clan recruiting site for the PC community. Vanilla DESTINY players have made this site and are eager to bring new or existing players into clans in the PC community. Help this site grow with DESTINY PC by posting as a clan or individual. here is the site:

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