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9/6/2017 8:21:33 PM

Editing Clan Culture Bio Info

Hey Bungie, Admin/Founder for a clan here; I've been trying to update the "About Us" section on since the revamp of clan pages, and I can't edit the "About Us" like I would like. The linked image shows that clan name and clan tag is not acceptable, but they were perfectly fine for Destiny 1 and the Destiny 2 Beta. This is the following of what I would like to have in my "About Us" section for my clan: ----- We are a friendly group of regular players who really want to do well and enjoy playing; the clan IS NOT in the business to "carry" anyone through raids/dungeons/extremely difficult game challenges or modes. We are always looking for fellow guardians who are willing to helping others (and or are looking for help). We expect in return that you -as a clan member- "pay it forward" and help others in our clan as you can give your time and energy. We ask of our members to be mature, respectful, and active. We WILL NOT tolerate actual immaturity, disrespect, rudeness, or disgusting behavior. Following the last of the Traveler's Light, the dedicated guardians who persist through peril and turmoil are members of an elite squadron known as Vanguard Rogue Ops. These are their stories . . . ------ I'm not sure exactly why the "About Us" section allows me to save the last part, but nothing else above such. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or possibly if a fix is coming along the way. - BlueValentine7

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