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9/20/2017 8:51:33 AM

( XBOX ONE)Steaktacular is recruiting

I formed Steaktacular for one reason: to play the game with men. This is a man's clan. Sorry ladies, no hard feelings. I would like to get to the point where we can do all of the game content within the clan (raid, nightfall, trials and anything in between) within the clan. Looking for people who will be playing in the evenings Eastern Standard time in the US, but that isn't a requirement. Requirements: -be 18+ -be a dude -a mic is preferable with end game content. -have a sense of humor about things, it is just a game after all. As of this posting I am the only member because I just created the clan, but I am hoping to grow. Also looking for admins.
#Clans #Men #dudes

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