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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/23/2017 12:32:32 PM

Justice for Devrim Kay

We all know Devrim, the handsome well spoken gentleman from the EDZ with the decked out NLB. He has been nothing but helpful and kind to us guardians in our recent adventures, giving us loot as well as witty comments on our endeavors. Among his pile of goodies in which he trades to us for EDZ tokens are pieces of the "Wildwood" set, a special set of armor which we have been told he made himself. Sporting various pieces of survival equipment and a wicked woodland camo colouration, it has been a sought after favourite for a majority of guardians so far. But there has been an injustice... We were recently shown images of the armor sets for next weeks "Faction rally" and it seems the well known group "Dead Orbit" has some answering to do. Among those images were Devrims own Wildwood armor pieces, covered in Dead Orbit logos. It seems that Arach Jalaal, the man who is so insistent on moving on from our own planet earth, was so lazy that he could not be bothered to create his own gear for the faction. And with a huge display of hypocrisy he couldn't even leave earth to steal someone else's designs. Next week Jalaal will be offering stolen set pieces as rewards for new recruits to his faction, while giving Devrim, a sound protector of the planet they wish to abandon, no credit whatsoever. This has been a brutally lazy and hypocritical move by Dead Orbit, and I for one demand that they return the gear to the EDZ and issue Devrim a formal apology. They have proven themselves to be no better than Fallen scavengers and do not deserve guardian support. (If there are any guardians out there who possess the "Lawyer" subclass please contact Devrim Kay in the EDZ as he wishes to take action on the matter)

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