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Изменено (vmondude): 10/1/2017 12:49:26 PM

Guardians STILL can’t pick up their feet!!





Fellow guardians, how many times have you gotten stuck on a step no taller than the sole of your boot!? How many times have you gotten trapped as you walk past a SLIGHT pokey out bit of a wall, and died as result!? How many times have you died in crucible because that damn pebble was far too greater obstacle for you to step over!? This is 3D modelling at its worst. VOTE YES IF YOU THINK THIS SHOULD BE FIXED. BUNGIE THIS HAS TO STOP. ITS BEEN 3+ YEARS!!! You can’t tell me that your Character Designers, Environment Artists and Physics Devs still haven’t figured out how to make guardians able to step over stones or lean around tiny surface changes! WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO JUMP OVER A PEBBLE!! Come on man!

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