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впервые опубликовано в: Destiny 2 - Shelved; My Final Thoughts
10/10/2017 8:00:11 PM
I agree with just about everything except sacrificing nice looking armor. Random rolls forced me to sacrifice much more often. I didn't wear a complete set until WotM since I could easily reroll it. If you look at the sets in D2 as a whole, there are 3 base variations. You can look at one piece of gear from a set and know exactly what the stats will be on the other pieces. I can see how this is unappealing to those who like god-rolls, but I personally love it. With 9 different complete sets, you can make a build for each subclass + each stat. Want a mobile Striker? Use this one. Need a resilient striker? Change outfits. Or use the alt stats for a balance version. Or throw reload and recoil mods on all the pieces (though personally, i wish we could take away the +5 and add an extra mod so we can have reload+subclass mods on one piece but that's asking too much for this balanced PoS). Modded armor is actually way more customizable than D1 ever dreamed to be, as far as complete sets go. I also like static rolls on weapons so I can immediately trash the ones I don't like instead of saying "oh man, i love these rolls but I hate this gun" or vice versa. I really hated choosing between the same weapon trying to figure out which one would ultimately be better. All that being said, i still like D1 better. Sure, there are some QoL features i love in D2, but the features they stripped outweigh the benefits. I'm missing things I never thought I would have to miss. Kiosks. Transferring emotes & emblems via apps. Quests. Bounties. Factions. Things I thought were core to the game like heroic strikes and missions and creative modifiers. Fun exotics like Dragon's Breath and Invective (specialist+juggler+solar burn? Piece of cake).

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