I feel like even the atmosphere of the campaign was dumbed down.
I mean it starts out epic, dramatic and moving in Homecoming, and loosing the light, but then once you hit the Farm it all starts to feel empty, almost like changing the director for a film, it lost its heart and soul!
D1 campaign despite its lack of story connections felt powerful and you wanted to succeed, but this just has a really hollow feeling. It feels sooo scripted and Devrim Kay is a joke, so unbelievable and transparent.
Caydes story was the only one that felt driven.
Dinklebots “We’ve woken the Hive!” has more character and ore than this entire game.
The cut scenes were strong and really well done but everything else was so shallow and to lack in that area removes any investment you have for the rest of the game.
Where’s the fear factor like originally levelling up in D1, with the bone chilling scream of Omnigal, and the darkness. D2 is really lacking in atmosphere somewhere and it all feels very detached from itself. Almost like the actors recorded all their lines separately, even if they were in the same scene they don’t sound like they are together in situation and just read from the script how they were told.
I don’t know it’s really hard to sum up, what do you think?
Such a shame
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