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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Surprised Brony): 10/24/2017 3:39:24 AM

PSA: For anyone still wondering what the max infusion of 350 power means

Apologies if this has been posted before, but I don't see anyone putting two and two together in this way, so enjoy the revelation if you didn't already figure it out. Also, I probably won't be watching this thread for activity, I just want to put out the info. I'll bet you've noticed that legendary items have a max they can be infused to. This is 350 power right now. That doesn't necessarily mean we will be getting a light increase before any DLC, contrary to what you might believe. Notice how exotics are exempt from the limit? We will likely have to leave these items behind when our power can go above 350. Yes, just as in Destiny 1, we'll have to leave beloved weapons behind when the max power level goes above 350. It clearly states that the max the item can go to is 350, so naturally the only assumption we can make is that it is a new built-in way to force us to put down our current weapons in favor of new ones when they arrive. It makes more sense than some mythical power level increase, especially since exotics don't have the limit. I hope this has prepared you for what we all hopefully knew was coming anyway. Have a good one. :3

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