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Изменено (Ghost): 11/13/2017 2:36:20 AM

Now Recruiting members for | Silent Assassins |

Now Recruiting members to our newly formed XB1 (18+) clan which is part of the Army of Prose Alliance (An 11 clan Alliance spanning XB1/PS4/PC) We are looking for guardians who enjoy teamwork and helping each other out with all aspects of Destiny 2 whether that's Trials, Iron Banner, Crucible, Raids, or Nightfalls. The only requirements are for you to respect each other, have fun, and be 18+. As a part of the | Silent Assassins | you will have access to a team chat through the groupme app as well as a multi clan chat for XB1. If Xbox is not your console of choice, please feel free to check out some of the other clans in our Alliance listed below: 1. Alliterate Soldiers I & II (18+ PS4) 2. Assonant Soldiers (15+ PS4, PvE Orientated) 3. Rhetorical Assailants (15+ PS4, PvP Orientated) 4. Wolves of Parnassus (Mixed Age PS4) - Limited Space! 5. Banished of the Nine (18+ PS3 & PS4) - Small Clan 6. Pherocity (16+ PS4, PvP Elite) - New Clan 7. Haiku Samurai (18+ XB1) 8. Metaphorical Murmillos (15+ XB1) 9. Foreshadowing Nomads (18+ PC, Bnet. Americas) - Limited Spaces 10. Ballad Of The Templars (18+ PC, Bnet. Europe) All allied PS4 and XB1 clans have access to PS4 and XB1 Alliance Chats. Within these chats you can talk to and play with members from other allied clans on the same console as you, plus sign up to any raid Teams within the calendar section. So far, the PS4 clans have a dozen six man raid groups that meet up at the same time every week to play the raid events. The XB1 has just had the same system implemented to try and get members involved with not just raiding, but to socialise with other members too!

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