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Изменено (dr obvious): 11/21/2017 2:14:58 PM

#2 Plants and Puppies

Characters: Housing Authority=Dad Smelly Human=Boy Loud Mouth=Girl Bossypants=Girl Know-it-All=Mom Cows=Horses [b]Plants and Puppies[/b] I've been with this family for about a week, and it dawned on me; this family does not view me as helpful, in fact, I suspect they might find me as a nuisance. So I decided to help out as best I could. I began my conquest, walking around the house, where I saw Housing Authority and Bossypants working in their prized garden, but I couldn't see anything behind a wall of massive wildflowers, so I decided to jump all in them, biting the flowers, rolling around, and smashing them down. However, when Housing Authority directed his attention towards me, I realized something very crucial: humans are much taller than me, they could probably see over the 2 feet tall flowers with ease. But it was too late anyway. “Terrible Puppy!” I was banished to the other side of the yard. Fortunately, while chasing the neighbors cat, I had an idea. My eyes rested upon a baby redbud tree, that had just emerged as a sapling, I decided that I should show it to the housing authority, so I wrapped my mouth around its tiny trunk, and pulled. It took awhile and was hard work, but after a few minutes it snapped in two pieces. I grabbed it in my mouth and ran over to where housing authority was gardening, hoping he could use that tree for something. “Terrible Puppy!” “Sooner or later, he will run out of places to banish me,” I thought, as I was sitting in timeout in my pen. However, the Ol’ puppy brain pulled through once more; so I waited until I was alone, then I started digging a hole under the fence. It took a few days, but soon my hole was finished; I could escape whenever I wanted! My first plan of action was to somehow repay housing authority for the troubles I had caused, although they weren't really my fault, after all, I'm just an innocent puppy. So I ran over to the garden, and thought I would start by trimming the huge bushes. I singled out a particularly big branch, belonging to a blackberry bush, and I bit down and pulled. Far too late, I realized blackberry bushes came complete with thorns. A pain shot through my mouth, like a white hot nail. (What does that mean anyway?) I quickly dropped the branch and ran through the garden, yelping in pain, stomping on strawberries, crushing cantaloupe, trampling tomatoes and flattening flowers. It was at this point that I realized I would have to devise a different plan.

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