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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/21/2017 2:12:43 AM

Bungie: Here's how to make Destiny 2 last another Year before it finally goes under.

Speaking as a Year 1 Vet who played Destiny 1 Alpha, Beta, From Day One and logged 5420 Hours. [spoiler]in b4 the "Oh look another special year 1 snowflake"[/spoiler] Here's your lifeline Bungie: - Fire Luke Smith ( IMPERATIVE ) - Cut ties with Activision - Remove Eververse - Remove Loot Cooldowns - Remove XP Cooldowns - Remove Glimmer Cap - Remove Static Rolls - Re-Introduce Gear Stat Re-Rolling - Give players an incentive to actually play and not look forward to TOKENS. - Add more wares to Xur. Legendary Shards for Glimmer, Heavy Synths, Exotic Engrams? - Bring back Faction XP outside of Rallies - Bring back Strike Playlists [150, 200, 300 ?] - Bring back Crucible Playlists (Even though I hate PvP) To go from 7 MILLION players from Launch to under 1 MILLION in 1 Month should be your wake up call. DON'T DRIP FEED US THE ABOVE WITH EACH DLC TO MAKE US FEEL LIKE YOU ARE LISTENING AND DOING SHIT TO IMPROVE THE GAME. YOU'RE ONLY FOOLING THE FANBOYS.

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