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12/4/2017 5:26:52 AM

Prayer requests anyone?

Hello everybody, anyone have any prayer request they'd like me to pray on? Pm's are welcome as well. Just looking to spread a little positivity in todays world. God bless y'all and have a great night.

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  • My 19-year old cousin recently got diagnosed with cancer and has just started treatment. She's finding it pretty rough. Can't keep any food down and can barely drink water. She's been in and out of A&E and I think she got transferred to a different hospital today and is being withheld there for a couple of days so they can keep an eye on her. The particular cancer she has (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, which is fairly rare, which lead to it being misdiagnosed a bunch when the symptoms first started showing up) has a 85% success rate in regards to treatment, but it's entirely possible that she could be part of that 15%, so it's pretty terrifying both for her and us as her family. Any prayers or goodwill is appreciated.

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