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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/7/2017 12:54:21 AM

How we can improve Destiny marginally

Imagine if we stopped playing Destiny for months or more, would Bungie do anything? Probably yes, they would start making the game the game we all want it to be and have fantasised about. The new dlc just launched and it may have things for you to do for a few weeks but then you'll have nothing left to do. Since the raid is also guaranteed to drop 335 loot it all seems too easy and overall is nowhere near enough to make the game good. We may find it some what fun to play the dlc for some time and the raid lair may be fun but imagine if we actually protested and forced them to change drastically. If we constantly gave them critisism without playing the game someone at Bungie has to realize what a -blam!- up their game is. I truly believe this will solve the problems since they already tried improving their game slighlty with the new updates. Remember if we do seriously try this don't be toxic this is a community we don't want to break. Thank you for reading

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