my wishlist and complaints a long(but helpful) rant
First off In my opinion a full game was not released when we got destiny 2 they charged us almost $100 for this game and so far do not seem like they are going to deliver any of the content that would make this game playable/fun
- First no in game chat, not even guild chat? how do you expect us to plan raids there should be an in game chat that can be accessed even online at any time i.e on the bungle forums
- Can you even call that a story? the story is what people pay for it is the only thing separating this game from others like war-frame so then why was this games story unremarkable? the Gaul fight should have been designed better overall. Why have it right off the bat? why not make it an epic game finishing raid like it should've been? instead I got my oh I killed Gaul participation star
- please rework your spawning locations, amounts, an types to be more interactive/fun. I'm tired of large number of weakish, and dumb enemies just always poping up in front of my face yeah their weak mostly trash mobs but they can still two hit me? maybe do smaller more strategic spawn points with tougher enemy also design them to appear at a father distance. ( this is not a setting issue for me)
- their should be guild bases and guild quests
-their 100% should be a que system for raids, fire teams what have you the ques should be designed like wow to be much easier than a true raid with less but still good rewards used for gearing up fort he first raid
-overall look at successful games that have been running for a while (wow, eve, war frame) and evaluate what your game is missing.
-there should be an in game market/ aution house/ for the player /not for bungie to line pockets/ will happen anyway
-there should be waayyyy more maps to explore i know you didn't make a open world but damn this $100 game feels just too small to the point it makes the world overall feel tiny
-space battles?
-crafting system? (make a robot to pick up loot and ammo for you! epic level stuff)
-this is not a Full list of the changes needed to make this into a complete game
please consider these changes cause if you don't I can guarantee ill never buy another product from you nor will anyone else
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