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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/8/2017 2:37:14 AM

@Bungie The problems I have with your Game (plus some solutions)

Lots of crap happening right now, I just wanna get some things out there. I really hope this isn't ignored... The problems with the Community: Get pissy about everything. Don't understand what makes an Exotic an Exotic. Fail to call out issues and instead aim to hush them and abuse said issues. Problems with the game: Every step forward from Destiny 1 brought you two steps back. YOU ARE NOT PLAYTESTING YOUR CONTENT BEFORE RELEASING IT. Shortage of enjoyable AND repeatable content. Time taken to fix issues based on what they impact (game health vs monetization). Shallow expansion that offers even less than Crota's End in terms of playability. No sense of reward in completing high-difficulty challenges (No adept gear, weak raid/nightfall rewards, and being forced to choose between having special To9/Raid perks or standard perks) Problems I have with Bungie: This will likely be entirely ignored, so why post it? Just to prove a point. -More time spent on Cosmetics than actual content (see Overwatch). -Lied about being able to carry our stories from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 (Nearly 2k hours and 5k+ grimoire on console equate to being treated as a dumbf* on Destiny 2 PC) -Threw away nearly every bit of individualism inside of their pseudo-action-mmo-fps that was brought in with Iron Lords expansion and even vanilla Destiny (Iron Lord artifacts, customizeable subclasses, unique weapon/armor rolls). -Lied about the purpose of Eververse from its original installment in Destiny 1. -Care more about having false positive praise than honest feedback to improve their game. Stop paying youtubers to promote your game, and listen to what your fans have to say for once. -Failed to fix bugs from first game when developing second game. What you need to do to fix each issue: 1a. Community woes: They will always be upset about everything and anything you do. Ignore the complaints they have that are extreme (like how they believe the new trace rifle shouldn't be fixed). In situations like this, look at the numbers and arrange them to adjust the play as you see fit. Do not let this stagnate. Have adjustments made to weapons occur on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Think more to shift the weapon meta than to bring equilibrium. If players are having trouble adjusting, let it sit a bit longer. Keep notes of the results to see what people liked and disliked with the adjustments that are made, then move on to the next meta focus. MAKE SURE THAT THE ADJUSTMENTS MADE FOR THIS ONLY IMPACT THE PVP SIDE, AND NOT THE PVE SIDE. The only exception being weapon perk buffs/adjustments (drop mag should allow faster reload than it does, imo). 1b. Make it clear that Exotics are not purely Exotic just because of their power, but because the way they function makes them stand out from others in their class (Graviton Lance and a few others will need some tweaking for this). An Exotic is not something meant to be a tier higher in power, but in functionality. 1c. If behavior of the community is an attempt to hide something, act on fixing it faster than you otherwise would. From New Monarchy's bug-abuse faction rally victory, to silly walking outside the map, to now with the trace rifle. If the community abuses issues like this, the entire game becomes a pile of garbage for anyone just wanting to play the game legitimately. Allowing these things doesn't benefit the people that actually give two s*'s about the Destiny franchise. 2a. The strike improvements. The artifact revamps. Siva Fallen. Boss-specific loot. Customizeable subclasses. Ability behaviors. Adept weapons. Taken invasion/time trial public events. Bring them back. --Sepiks 2.0 is better than any strike currently in Destiny 2. --Artifacts with special buffs made every gear decision that much more interesting. --Siva Fallen were some of the most interesting and hardest to fight enemies in Destiny. --Boss specific loot made me want to play strikes even that I hated, because they looked cool. You can even rework them to affect special targets on the patrol area's (assuming you'd even go through the effort to change up how the targets look to begin with). --Having 3 tiers of skills that I could pick and choose from gave me a lot more individuality than what you currently offer. Either bring back the old system or add a way to modify our existing abilities to make them more intense. Brimstone used to have a faster charge time. Sunsingers used to be the most ability-heavy subclass of them all. Now Dawncaller is one of the most underwhelming things, since each subclass is either 'be in the air' or 'use your super' to make use of anything. This is not viable. --There's no point in playing Trials of the Nine after getting all the weapons. I've gone flawless 4 times and all I have to show for it is a not-chrome armor piece and some shader that looks mediocre. --We're also back to doing nothing but kill missions when farming clan exp. Patrols are all locked into the area we accept them in, take 10x longer than before to accept them, and even the collectable patrols are something I'd avoid in 85% of the sectors due to scarcity of what it will want me to kill. 2b. Playtest. I played D2 on PS4 for about 3 weeks before stopping. When I moved to PC, I ran into almost every single bug I had encountered on PS4 including empty towers, perma black screen when entering the tower, and even the video glitch that happens whenever you enter the raid boss room. Not only that, but with the new expansion the public event is nearly impossible to solo. Not because it is difficult (which it isn't), but because 90% of the time you launch from the man-cannon you'll miss your target and die to collision. Last to note, but with many more issues remaining, the new exotic trace rifle. Literally how did you guys just let that go through? Because Crucible is literally unplayable right now. It's easier to carry a fireteam of stormcallers as a defender in D1 mayhem than it is to try and get a positive score against a team all abusing the f* out of it. 2c. You took a step forward with heroic adventures, but that's about it. I still don't want to do them. They take too long when I can more often get better loot from crucible. The adventures aren't fun to do. Just a lot of downtime followed by shooting a small grouping of enemies and moving on. Just a story mission I can play over and over again (oh wait, that's what Ikora does). Throw in some special gear for doing certain adventures. Allow us to make moral choices like the Titan storyline did. Make it feel awesome like the final vanilla story mission did (I mean the part where you invade the city... Pretty much everything but the final fight itself). This is something listed as an ADVENTURE. It's not planting patrol beacons. --You created something called the Infinite Forest and yet you did not think about making a Challenge of Elders-style arena fight thing with Osiris as our sub for Variks. --Set your expectations for ANY strike you create in the future to be as upscale as the DPS phase of the final CoO boss fight. Anything that isn't even CLOSE to that is a complete lack of effort on your behalf. 2c. I still remember how fast you guys fixed the issue with the SRL book. Why can you not fix something that quickly with the gamebreaking glitches you bring in? Or maybe have whomever is working on optimization spend several hours checking their results instead of moving forward with it? The game is great when everything is buttery smooth, but when the frames go haywire enough to make PubG look like Cuphead, you NEED TO FIX THIS or at least ROLL BACK THE CHANGES MADE. Even after these fixes, the game is still running worse than it did at launch. I still get spikes of 20 fps when enemies are in front of me despite my frame counter reads 110+. 2d. I finished all pre-raid stuff Crota's End had to offer in about 8h. I finished all pre-raid stuff this expansion had to offer in about 5h. I stopped playing Destiny 1 for several months after only about 1 month of Crota's End. I currently can find no excuse to get into Destiny 2 except to get my weekly clan exp on my other two characters. This isn't the right reason to want to play a game. 2e. I can't remember the last time I got an exotic from a nightfall in D2 that wasn't Rat King. I dismantle literally everything I get from Trials, currently, since I have everything I can get. There's no reason to do prestige Leviathan in terms of progression. The weapons are the same. The armor looks different. There's new shaders. I can get my exotic shotgun ornament. But there's no point to any of that. What is the endgame? Please tell me. Because after slamming my head into this 10-inch high wall seems to be getting me nowhere. 3a. Never have I been acknowledged by Bungie. I try to keep my criticism's relatively civil. I highly doubt that they've ever spent so much as an iota of a notion towards my name on the forums. 3b. Cosmetics are not content. In order to have fashion souls, you must have a game worth playing. This game is not worth playing. I find it so befuddling as to how I can talk about this game for hours and yet still tell people that the game isn't worth buying. That its hold to me is nothing but an addiction to an illusion of what I want this game to be. Seeing that job posting made this all the more bitter. 3c. When D1 launched, and you guys said we can take our progress to the end, I believed you. When you said all gear will be lost. My heart broke once. When you announched D2 coming for PC, hope began festering within' me. Then with the announcement that D1 console status won't be carried to PC, my heart broke again. Your original pitch of the game has turned into nothing. I keep playing but I don't know why. I keep playing, but I have no hope that you guys will finally do the right things. When I play with people that do have hopes, every bit of hopeful conversation for the game always ends with 'but it IS Bungie...' Part 1 of 2...

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  • Bump, since the expansion stuff has died down.

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    1 ответ
    • Part 2 of 2... 3d. I had spent thousands of hours playing Destiny 1. Every time I had gotten a god roll, or found a certain gear/subclass combination that made me feel unstoppable, I had to boast about it. Now the mood around any of it is dreary. It's not 'omg, how'd you get that weapon?!?' but instead it's become 'eh, just get this from here, just keep going at it and you'll eventually get it.' What we have now is pretty much stagnating the game to how it was when weapon rerolls were purchaseable. I still remember my favorite build on my hunter. Nightstalker + Monte Carlo + Raid 4 fusion rifle + Felwinter's artifact + Frosties + Max Disc/Str Keen Scout + increased grenade duration + vortex grenades + proximity smoke bombs = Absolute zone control... But there was a bug with that setup. A bug that you guys at Bungie ignored and never attempted to fix nor recognized when I posted about it. A bug where Keen Scout's tracking would never come into effect when you have felwinter's artifact equipped unless you were to change any subclass selection to something else during the same life. 3e. Eververse was released under the guise that it was to fund future small updates for the game leading up to the expansions that took place at the end of the year, eliminating the need for smaller expansions. Several months have passed by. We've had no Halloween event. We have a craptastic small dlc. We have a hint (probably) at a new event. We have updates in patches once in a blue moon that do nothing but make the game worse. We have a game that is inferior in gameplay to its predecessor. 3f. You're not helping us or yourselves by paying youtubers to say nothing but good things about your games at events you host. Hearing nothing but praise doesn't push you to do better. It doesn't push you to realize all these mistakes you've been making. It doesn't even help you show off all these things you're trying to show off. If you want to show off gameplay, make the gameplay good and invite players in the top tiers of the stuff you're looking to promote. Deej is always sounding like he's trying to embellish the payoff of everything. He's a community manager. We understand this. Him trying to talk up things he sees is not interesting to us, because we know he barely understands the more intricate mechanics of the game. 3g. Scatter grenades, thermite grenades, and voidwall grenades still bounce off surfaces on occasion (scatter grenades being the biggest abuser, still). Fusion rifles still have instances where they either stop charging while still holding left click/right trigger, or take 2000% longer to charge than they should. Triggering Outlaw does not refresh the perk's duration. Bullet magnetism still f*'s up shots on targets standing behind obstacles far enough away. Punching with DoT-appling melee's doesn't apply the punch damage unless it kills the target 80% of the time. Punching destructable objects consumes the charge of on-hit application. Changes I feel should be made to improve individuality in the game: 1. Change how agility/armor/recovery should work to focus on amplifying stats for classes designed for the spec. -Agility: Once past the cap that limits titans/warlocks, add a slight increase in bonus movespeed/jump height to each additional point -Recovery: Buff first 3 points of recovery slightly to make recovery rate benefit actually noticeable, but slow the benefits slightly in the points leading to the cap for hunters/titans. Then give a drastic boost to each point after, leading to the cap for warlocks being faster than 10 is, currently. -Armor: Reverse the scaling of armor investment. First few points should add a small bit of hp, while later points (5-cap) should add more. Once the cap for hunters and warlocks is reached, give titans a boost in armor gain per level with a significant boost when reaching the cap. The reason I propose changes like this are because 1. Agility has been one of the more noticeable buffers in D2, bringing it higher for hunters willing to go the extra mile should help. 2. Recovery is the second most noticeable buffer, but only noticeable once you reach the 6+ point mark. Speeding up recovery at earlier stages will punish those not willing to sacrifice speed or armor for the help. Speeding it at later stages will show off how much mastery of light warlocks really have. 3. Armor is one of the least noticeable stats, and most people stop building it (if they even do build it) at around 6 regardless of class. What is the point of having every class reaching the same health bar with no investment? My proposal is a push to making Titans able to become true juggernauts, but at the cost of having the burst of movespeed or help of recovery. 2. Competitive rankings and post-season rewards based on standings. Emblems, armors, exclusive weapons/mods. Bring back the nightfall/strike scoring challenges for the PVE players and have their own rankings as well with their own sets of rewards. This way everyone has a chance to get something special that no one else will ever be able to obtain, or at least not very often. 3. Bring back armor abilities. Stats are not perks. They are not interesting nor fun to have nothing but stats and mods to alter what our armor loadouts are. Nearly every piece of gear is the same, anyways. Not to mention that much armor pieces from current endgame activities are just recolors of existing armor pieces. Why should I wear the To9 helm when the crappy common legendary helm I've been wearing all this time gives me a skill point in something I need? Make us choose between fashion souls or optimization. Let us be fugly or smexy. That is all I have to say for now. To be honest, this isn't even all of what I have to say, but I had forgotten most of it over time and never bother to write any of it down. But in the end, it still won't matter since it'll be buried, and never taken to light. If you wanna do something for the time being, however, just disable prometheus lens until it is fixed. Give everyone a bright engram as compensation for the problem. They'll accept it. It costs you guys nothing. It works all the time for IS when they make mistakes in FEH.

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