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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/8/2017 4:30:35 AM

WHY partner with the new world order?!

Wasn't sure which subforum to put this in, either Gaming, D1, or OT should do, so this user just picked one. Was just watching wrasslin' and The Game Awards (a downgraded version of what it once was on a better network....interestingly enough that's an apt for both of these shows but this user meant the latter one) and saw a commercial (e-commercial?) with this franchise's newest iteration being paired with a tool being used for the downfall of mankind (yeah that's the word, not the passive-aggressive "humankind" buzzword for social-engineering random MrySu-gira-3 used; how many more masculine females are going to be pushed into the entertainment media unnecessarily to increase a global labor pool to drive down wages and power of male workers over potential employers...among other more mundane theories this user has?) that was programmed to respond to certain questions without the ability to reason spatially like a brainwashed, line-towing SJW that was caught doing so and then had its programming changed to cover it up, just like another social media platform "tube" demonetizing brilliant content creators to keep the "proles" poor and unenlightened to the truth? It's just one thing after another wit' deez nutz. Get the memo on countries claiming loot-boxes are gambling? Down with "triple-A" publishers! -Once Broken now Woken AnCap Infowarrior Peace, Luv, and Anarchy! 3...2...1...\^^/

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