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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/10/2017 12:33:47 AM


It is really sad to see such a good team of developers to make such an EA move. At first, I really did like the game. Top graphics, top performance even if your gear isn't that good. Started of with hopes of a good game with a lot of entertainment but realized that I was wrong. Oh boy I was wrong. The story may was good but ended after just a few hours even with every sing side quest you could possible do. But I accepted this and moved on and looked forward for more I could discover. Poor me from the past. Want to see more from the game? Then please pay us a little more to have access to the rest of the game thought Bungie. Just a little price which almost resembles the actual game price. At that point as you probably can imagine didn't want to pay anything for that game anymore. But wait there is more. By releasing the DLC they removed game content which you had access to with the normal game edition. After the DLC this content was gone even if you had it before. So my opinion and advise for you is not to buy this game, you really do yourself a favor if you spend your money on another game or wait till Bungie fixes this impudent situation. Anyways who bought the game and the DLC I still hope you will have fun with it and the money is worth it for you.

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