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12/27/2017 5:28:08 PM


With eververse being a hot button right now I'll throw my 2 haypennies in. They won't remove it, there are poor saps that threw their money at it and Activision is laughing all the way to the bank. They need to rework it, maybe have strictly skins on it or armor cosmetics like they had in d1 that are still reasonably obtainable. None of this 200hrs of pure grinding crap. Another thing that I've always said they could benefit from is god damn loot tables. None of this rng nonsense, loot tables gives us an incentive a purpose to do strikes not just for the milestone but to actually complete the strike and not bail. Have sets for your dungeons or a set each season, world of Warcraft has you on their launcher and is in the same boat ask them how they have a successful mmo and maintained it through their own blunders. And yea each npc has their sets and they look awful but that's still rng on what you get and before now that was rng. And with sets some set bonuses. I don't know fellow guardians what do you guys think since no one at bungie will read this, but if they do in the words of a wise man C'MON

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