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Изменено (upchief): 1/4/2018 6:16:32 AM

Heads Up Display (Ghost Only Option)

# 1


# 2


# 3


# 1 & 2


All of the Above


I have been thoroughly impressed by this game but I have found that the Heads Up Display can be cumbersome when trying to focus on what's directly in front of me. A Ghost-Only HUD option seems a quick ticket to completely rectify the situation. #1. The HUD only appears when the Ghost is activated #2: Have a hot-key button to adjust the HUD while it (Ghost) is activated to skirt and skip loading times for pressing start and accessing the menu just to switch in-between HUD modes. #3: Just take the crosshair off please. Pros: Quicker acquisition of objectives. Ghost becomes a more immersive tool. Nothing in the way, ever. Cons: Working to put in the effort

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