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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (VintzBox): 1/20/2018 1:33:54 PM

Pick ONE thing...

Here’s a productive post: Pick ONE aspect of the game that isn’t working that you feel is most important to your player experience and suggest how it should change. For me, I think that I’d be hard into weapon and armour mods. The random rolls don’t necessarily need to come back but there needs to be a way to make each weapon your own. Random rolls might be the best way, like in D1, but the ability to level up a weapon to open up modification slots would be cool. Then add modifications like quick reload, or firefly, or hidden hand or whatever. For the armour, same deal. Allow the piece to be levelled up with experience to unlock mod slots. Create new mods or even exotic mods—why not instead of bringing back the same exotic weapons and armour, create exotic modifiers like an extra jump (Bones of Eao) or Revive for the Warlock (I.e. plug it into a helmet) or for a Titan have a mod that makes the Armamentarium (extra grenade).

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