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Изменено (Joyaboi): 2/12/2018 2:51:05 PM

A Solution To Special Weapons: A Fourth Slot

[spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler] Many people have cited the new weapon slot system as one of the reasons why we feel less powerful in D2 and why former special weapons (Fusion Rifles, Shotguns, and Snipers) are rarely used. Many have called for a return to the D1 system of “Primary, Secondary, and Heavy”. I have even heard a proposal to add the former special weapons into the Energy slot. These two proposals have significant issues that I think can be avoided with a system that combines Destiny 1’s weapon slots with Destiny 2’s in a way that [i]only adds power to the player[/i] instead of removing it. My proposed idea is as follows: Bungie keeps the currently existing weapon slots, kinetic, energy, and power, but adds a fourth: Special Weapons (which in UI would go between Energy and Power weapons). In this change, all formerly special weapons would return to the special slot (excluding sidearms) leaving Swords, Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Linear Fusion Rifles in the Power Weapon slot. This system would bot only increase the player’s range of choice and feeling of power more than any other option, it would also be done in a controllable manner that doesn’t upset current systems in place. Of course the big question is: how would Special Ammo be given to players? In pve it would be just like Destiny 1, a random drop from enemies that is still fairly common. Just how common would be controlled by Bungie as they see fit to make Special Weapons special. In PvP it could be done in a number of ways. My personal favorite idea is that it drops from players killed by Kinetic or Energy Weapons. It would reward skilled players in a fashion that doesn’t exclude unskilled players and provides incentive for engaging in Kinetic/Energy weapon gunfights. That is just one option of many, and Bungie could do anything already done in Destiny 1 (like spawning with Special and/or requiring it from timed bricks) or try something completely new. As I said, they could entirely control the drop rate of special ammo to control how the game plays. [spoiler]The biggest obstacle is the coding. Perhaps it is impossible to create a new slot for ui or other reasons. Button binding wouldn’t be awful. The new emote wheel could free up the Dpad and use that Borderlands style. Or perhaps a weapon wheel.[/spoiler] [b]Tl;dr[/b] Keep current weapon slots and add Special Weapons between Energy and Power that consists of formerly Special Weapons. Thanks for reading. Give suggestions below!

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