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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/18/2018 1:14:32 AM

Large Companies Exposed by Gamers Viewpoints

2nd Video: I just watched both of these videos. I was more interested in what individuals opinions were about the current state of Destiny. I found a fairly compelling and passionate debate introduced by these guys. There is swearing in the videos so viewer discretion is advised (cliche sounding, I know). The main video (the first) is well stated. But it also highlights how major gaming companies have actually changed ever since the inception of "loot boxes" as well as greedy over-reaching by large publishers and companies. I was reminded of the Netflix documentary "[i]Dirty Money[/i]". If you subscribe to Netflix but haven't seen this documentary, I strongly recommend you do so. Another one to watch is "[i]Ethos[/i]". Knowledge is power and the power you have is choice. Feel free to exercise it. I'm sharing these just for awareness. Consumer opinion & feedback needs to be heard and shared in order to reign in these types of practices.

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