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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/27/2018 8:54:40 PM

FWC Needs Help

Something needs to be done to help FWC win a Faction Rally. Dead Orbit took the first one, but it's been New Monarchy since and I think I know why...their armor and shaders look much better! Maybe if the FWC armor was given a different look and the shaders were "shinier", that might help. Personally, I think it was lazy of Bungie to just reskin and rename armor sets. They did it with not just the faction armor, but Rahool, Zavala, and Shaxx as well. Kinda lame. All armor sets need to have a unique look that is clearly distinguishable from any other set in the game. C'mon, know I'm right. Maybe make that an in-between update, huh?

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