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5/12/2018 11:13:58 PM

error code weasel

Can the kind people at bungie HQ please stop t bagging the error code weasel button for me when i'm on big win streaks or even when i'm not because the last thing i want is Shax to not be in favour with me. Attached is a WiFi speed test to show you that i'm not just complaining because i cant afford good internet and i hope that this isn't because i don't want to but the dlc because that would be scummy but that is the only reason i can think of for this to be happening. if playing all day i can get error code weasel about 6 or 7 times which vastly effects my game and others as Shax tells me every time i dc from a competitive match that i can't join back to. I would just love to be able to play with out issues.

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