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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (BlkOpsHamstr): 6/17/2018 3:58:14 AM

I've answered the Cayde question

You're all probably asking the question, "what happens to Cayde? Is he dead? Will we bring him back to life?" ever since we saw the forsaken announcement e3 trailer. I think I figured out what (i hope) might happen. As much as is pains me to say this, I think Cayde should stay dead. He's such a fan favorite, that killing him has made me FAR more interested in the story line. So now the question is, who will replace him as the hunter vanguard? I originally thought maybe Anna, until I remembered Shiro 4. For those of you who don't know, Shiro 4 was from D1. I looked up his profile and he was a VANGUARD SCOUT, and a very close ally to Cayde 6. Also he is a male, hunter, exo, and appears to have some of that Cayde attitude which we all know and love. This is what I hope happens. I have also added a link to Shiro 4's profile if you want to read for yourself.

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