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Изменено (nlutchy): 6/18/2018 12:55:30 PM

Path of the Prophets are looking for players to join! [PC]

'Path of The Prophets' is Star trek: Deep Space 9 themed clan, focusing on the beings that exist in the wormhole between the alpha and gamma quadrant praised by the bajoran people as prophets. We are a PC clan in Australia, who would gladly accept anyone to join in and play together, discuss sci-fi and generally have a good time! So far this clan only includes myself and a single friend of mine, but we are looking for more people to join! We are fairly new to the game and as such do not have the highest level gear, but any range of skill players are free to join us. This clan is fairly casual, so do not worry about being pressured to do anything to help out. Passively leveling up the clan or doing anything else to contribute to it will be much appreciated! If enough people join, we will set up a public discord server for anyone to join and playback larger variety of games in together. May the prophets guide you. -nlutchy

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