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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Loimega): 7/29/2018 2:57:07 PM

#nospacerhino IO Taken Public Event

Dear Bungie, Sooo, me and a few members of my clan have been on IO for the following timeframe: 12:28 - 17:14. Along this timeframe we have encountered 16 cabal excavations in a row, 8 hydras, 24 storm vex guys, 3 dry spills of no public events on IO at all and about 30 or so guardian's over the entire timeframe. I do have Whisper already but i am trying to help the rest of my clan get it. Sooo bungie do us, (the community) a huge huge favour and "Take" the cabal away from IO. This is not working as intended (in the rng department). Its only working as intended by the guidelines you have setup for the event rotation on IO. There is also a major major, let me repeat myself, major lack of taken events spawning on Giants Scar. So you guys have made it so that taken spawns less often than other events. I do not see a 50/50% chance of them spawning with the numbers i have seen so far. To end this little post. Stop, for the love of Cayde, adjusting probability into your favor and then using the excuse of your random generator not detecting streaks of either event. Signed A player of your game. Edit... So final report, Its been a total of 9 and a half hours. We have increased the number if cabal events to a total of 23. Currently as of 22:56 Aus time we are on a streak of 6 taken. Lets see how many we get. (seems the algorithm likes taken now {Very random indeed})
#destiny2 #pissed

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