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7/31/2018 1:00:25 AM

PS4 Clan looking for guardians

FightinRiotsSquad We're looking for more active members who are willing to run the raid and more endgame activities, we'll welcome new players and veterans. If you haven't ran the raid yet, we have people who are willing to teach and with Solstice of Heroes coming tomorrow it's going to be an amazing wild ride that we want to share with other players. As clan founder I'm playing most nights and willing to always give a helping hand, this clan is a part of me and the members are not just members but practically family, no one will ever just be a number and I look to bond with every member no matter what. Light level and gameplay style is not all around important to me if you need help leveling up or want to work on something I'm more than willing to help out. We require 18+ due to language and maturity Mic is not required unless strikes, Escalation protocol or raids are being ran *The person will be invited to the party to listen in* This is a guide line that is in place in our clan Biography please try to understand why this is in place We are ranked 6 clan, we're looking to build our friends that we have made so we can get the best out of this game and just party together while we revenge Cayde-6. Interested in joining yet???

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