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8/31/2018 10:11:41 PM

Any fellow human beings with AnCap beliefs wanna stytchnbytch about whatevs for a bit?

Gentlebeings....start yr un-copyrighted engines on the Domino-paved roads to AnCapistan in 3...2...1...

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  • Pretty much, yeah, thanks for the extra definition there. Anarchy =/= (does NOT) mean no rules, it means no rulers (now sell-out Stefahn definition). It is a return to natural law/order of moral universalism/10commands/7hermetics, the way the world was/is supposed to be (wi are all born least that's one way of looking at things....the Hobbsian view is wi are all born statists and/or that is how people are and/or will be and the Spehnglrian/Schmihdtian/Grahnt/Crlyle/Malthuhsian view is that people SHOULD group up and kyll each other for no reason other than population control and innovation from such and resource allocation, Hitlr wrote luv letters to such a person, it DOESN'T WORK). Anarchy =/= (does NOT) mean kaos. Kaos is a failed state, anarchy is no state/natural state. read a book peepz and gitrdone!

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