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Эта тема создана на основе другой темы: просмотр оригинала

Изменено (FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE): 9/4/2018 10:48:48 PM

Give year 2 players who actually grindded for the Broadsword, a exclusive emblem for their troubles.





I don't care.


Yes, to show I am pro!


No, I am a dweeb, neee!


It makes sense, no? Dwe.., I mean year 1 players who have claymore, get the broadsword early for suffering after year 1 pvp too much. And hu..., I mean players who don't have claymore can get an exclusive emblem for getting their weapon through grinding and honourable feets of true power. This would make both sides happy, besides you can't please everyone by giving making a few of them get it without any year 2 sweat, right? I am free to people to suggest any alternative to that idea, but really players who hate awful year 1 pvp, don't derserve to be slapped in the face.

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