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Изменено (Cutterpillow): 9/10/2018 10:35:24 PM

Frequent fireteam disconnects from two consoles that are on the same home network

We’ve been having problems staying in the same fireteam with two consoles that are on the same network. It seems like this really started happening a lot with the Warmind release and has been very bad with Forsaken as well. Here’s the setup: Two Xbox One X consoles on the same network (wired connection). The two of us are in a fireteam. There’s almost never a problem when we’re playing at the same time, but NOT in a fireteam. Internet is connected via Frontier FiOS and has been very stable. Usually only one of us is disconnected with the other remaining in the activity. It doesn’t seem to matter much who is the fireteam leader. It seems to happen most frequently when transitioning from one patrol area to another. For example: * We’ll be going via sparrow (or walking into a Lost Sector) from one area to the other. * One of the consoles will pause while “Loading” the next area. * The “Loading” will take an extended amount of time, eventually causing that console to be disconnected. * Sometimes the game will try to reload back into the same area. This will either fail & disconnect immediately. OR the area will successfully load but there will be no enemies, NPCs, or other players active in the area. After some time of wandering the empty area the console will disconnect again. Error codes that we’ve received include: Eel, beetle, beaver, weasel, anteater. I have followed the Advanced Network Troubleshooting guide and UPnP is enabled. I have also ensured that all of the ports listed for Xbox One have been opened on our router. Again, it feels like something definitely changed starting with Warmind. We didn’t used to have as many problems as we’re having now. Please let me know if there’s anything else we can do or if I can provide any more information.

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